Kareena Kapoor desi look in her action and romantic movie Bodyguard. Her super hit film Bodyguard in bollywood with Ssalman Khan. Kareena Kapoor indian look in that movie personal favorite is Manish Malhotra.
miss veteran designer Manish Malhotra of Kareena Kapoor. He is decide to look is very different in Bodyguard.
Designer Manish Malhotra is super-thrilled about kind of response Kareena very different and hit desi look has got in 'Bodyguard'. kareena and Salman is very happy for this look. Manish designer of Kareena Kapoor desi look richest hits in Bodyguard.
Tags : Manish Malhotra,designer Manish,Kareena Kapoor,desi look in Bodyguard,kareena first look,kareena look in bodyguard,desi kareena,salman look in bodyguard,bodyguard simple look, bodyguard look salman,kareena look in desi, desi actress kareena kapoor