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Thursday, August 18, 2011


My economy drive is still going well. There are a few things that I absolutely cannot scrimp on however; good quality vegetables, fruit, nights out, skincare and Kiehls hair products (they're incredible!). I am also currently on something of a health kick. The rules are: nothing but fruit before 11am, salad/fruit for lunch and then a baked potato with veg at night. It is showing considerable results.

Back to economising. I've never been a salon addict; I only splurge on my hair because it's long and I like keeping it in top condition. I must confess to doing my own "demi" colour at home a couple of weeks back, which saved me an extra £37 on top of my normal hair bill. I've had only one manicure in my life and maintain my own nails with cuticle oil and a clear coat. No more fake tanning at home; I am pale and proud. The moral of the story is that if you can master your own beauty regime, you can easily stop visiting salons.

This morning, I have consumed too much coffee and last night, I had ghastly dreams about giant moths and wasps attacking me. I did that embarrassing thing whereby you exhibit a muffled protest in terror and wake yourself up, flailing at the duvet.

Currently engrossed in "The Pursuit of Love" by Nancy Mitford.